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New Quizzify2Go Release Achieves Minimum Acceptable Amazingness

Updated: Feb 23, 2023

This is Part One of the posting covering our new release. Part Two, upgrading the vaunted Quizzify2Go ER Sticker Shock Prevent Consent, will be posted Feb 28.


There are some fine navigation vendors that navigate specialist referrals, find the best venues for tests and procedures, manage postacute cases in a timely manner, help employees use their benefits, and generally walk people needing high-intensity assistance or considering elective surgery through the maze that is US healthcare.

But what about for routine low-intensity medical encounters, and also emergency visits/admissions, both of which are far more common than their counterparts above? The former can’t justify the expense of nurse intervention (and most employees won't think to phone in before routine doctor visits) while the latter are too time-sensitive. That’s where Quizzify2Go comes in. it fills the missing links in traditional care navigation.

Together with one of those vendors or another care navigator, you can create 360-degree navigation support for your employees who are using healthcare. Add the Quizzify Classic ten-question monthly quizzes, and you also reach employees who aren't using the healthcare system right now, giving you complete access to your full workplace and their dependents...all for $12/year or less in most cases.

Quizzify2Go Release 2.0 surpasses not just its predecessor, but also any release from any vendor ever at this price point: it is the first affordable and comprehensive vendored solution to achieve Minimum Acceptable Amazingness. Imagine a "Virtual GPS" for clinical encounters of all kinds, other than elective tests and procedures already covered by your care navigation.

Here is what pops up on their phones. You can see both the ER Sticker Shock Prevent Consent and the Doctor Visit PrepKits.

Each component comes with a brief explainer video. Each has a follow-up too – an ER billing literacy quiz for the Consent and FAQs for the PrepKits.

And we will look at each separately. This post covers the PrepKits, while the next will cover the Consent. (You can get a headstart on the Consent part right here.)

Doctor Visit PrepKits

Part One, this post, will cover the PrepKits, because doctor visits are ubiquitous. While even your full range of "point solutions" applies to comparatively few employees, most employees have multiple clinical encounters every year. The average is 4, plus family members averaging the same. So an employer with 1000 employees will be covering perhaps 8000 doctor, dentist and NP encounters. Right now most are uncoached, unguided and often unsatisfactory. That's because who amongst us knows exactly what to prepare, ask and expect in these situations?

Not all are covered by the PrepKits, but with 188 of the most common ones, from acne to zoster, Quizzify2Go's PrepKits far surpass the "80-20 rule" of relevance for clinical visits. This screenshot shows a small snippet of the range of visits covered. Most of these 188 topics are simply not addressed by any vendor...and yet these are where most of your employees interact with the healthcare system – frequently, quietly, without guidance, and under your radar.


Here's how you use the PrepKits. Just enter a symptom or keyword or (if you have one) diagnosis on the left, and the search will reveal one or more PrepKits. If it doesn’t, use the “Suggest New Topics...” on the right, and we will have a PrepKit turned around in a week or two, based on the Quizzify Classic Q&A material.

The "Suggest" feature also prompts suggesting questions, and a good deal of our PrepKit content is now user-generated. (There will be dramatic examples of user-generated content in our February 22 webinar.) User experiences creating user-driven content is one of the many reasons the PrepKits far surpass an internet search of expert sources. These "many reasons will be summarized at the end.

Let’s try searching on back pain, one of the most common reasons to seek medical care. This is what pops up. First and of more importance than you would expect, is "PS If you're reluctant to ask, blame us." Many people are intimidated by doctors – the forms to complete, the white coats, the diplomas, the queues to see them, and of course the bills. They need an excuse to ask the questions, and we provide it. Then, quite a number of back pain matches pop up.

Next, what kind of back pain is it – and is this your first visit? Let’s assume, of those options, it’s a first visit for low back pain. Here’s the PrepKit.

Like many, this PrepKit starts with what you should seek medical care right away for. Next is the classic Quizzify observation that “80% of back pain goes away on its own but 80% of people with back pain are at some point convinced they are in the other 20%.

“Preparing for Your Visit” in this case accomplishes two things:

  1. Unlike most "Preparing" paragraphs in other PrepKits, it suggests specific activities to do in advance of the visit rather than specific things to track or bring with you to the visit. The hope (really, expectation) is that before the visit, the pain will go away on its own, helped by the right exercises;

  2. Like many other "Preparing" paragraphs on other topics (diabetes, infertility, pregnancy, the mental health PrepKits and more), it prompts employees to check for a point solution. Many Quizzify customers have Kaia or Hinge or Sword or some other back point solution that many employees don't know about unless prompted by a Quizzify monthly quiz. Yes, you inform them at Open Enrollment, but only 1/12 of all health issues are taking place that month...and few other employees are paying attention to learn about something they think they'll never need.

Questions to Ask the Doctor

Next is a set of questions to ask the doctor. In many cases, the doctor will pre-empt these by providing the information before you ask. One way or the other, cover them. These are standard, but you can add your own under "+ ADD YOUR QUESTION." Your health coach or nurse navigator can add questions here too. Like them, we don’t provide medical advice. Rather, like them, we steer you in the direction of obtaining good medical advice.

What the Doctor is Likely to Ask/Say/Do/Test/Prescribe

If the doctor doesn’t ask these exact questions or say these exact things in all cases, that’s fine. The whole point of being a doctor is to take the discussion in the direction of evidence and their expertise, rather than following a script. Nonetheless, a doctor who on multiple occasions deviates substantially from these scripts may not be the best doctor, if you are also not getting the best outcomes.

Next, we'll suggest what the doctor is likely to do, test, or prescribe. In this case, it important to rule out the acute and potentially very serious causes of back pain, such as meningitis or a fractured vertebra. After this, the questions are more generic. Once again, a good doctor may not follow this script. But once again, if your doctor repeatedly deviates and you repeatedly don't get results you expect, you may want to switch doctors.

In the case of prescriptions (and there really should be none for low back pain in most cases), each of our PrepKits that anticipates prescriptions also sends employees to the reviews and ratings at, with the link going specifically to the user reviews and ratings for that drug and that condition.

Here is an example from a PrepKIt where Humira or a similar drug is likely to be prescribed. The ratings for a drug vary by disease, and separates the ratings that way. Since many consumers get their drug information from ads, and since they tend to request those drugs by name, and since doctors are likely to prescribe what is requested (scroll way down for source), and since most of the heavily advertised drugs on TV are not particularly effective, the PrepKits frequently link to user ratings and reviews. Oftentimes, as in this case, there is an inverse distribution. Some drugs simply don't work for some people.


Here is the final section. It has curated links to authoritative sources on this particular topic. You can also calendar this entire PrepKit for the day of your visit, a belt-and-suspenders way of ensuring that you don't forget. You can add it to your Apple Wallet as well, and send it to a partner.

In some cases, as in this one, it also links to a Quizzify topic-specific quiz, where each question has its own Learn More link. Example:

The Minimum Acceptable Requirements for Amazingness

In sum, here are the attributes for this part of Quizzify2Go. Remember, too, that Quizzify2Go also includes the ER Sticker Shock Prevent Consent, and that both are included with Quizzify Classic and its monthly quizzes. It shadows the doctor visit soup to nuts:

  1. Overview

  2. What to Prepare

  3. Questions to Ask (standard)

  4. Questions to Ask (your own)

  5. What the Doctor will likely Say/Ask

  6. What the Doctor will likely Do/Test/Prescribe

  7. User Experience with Your Possible Prescription

  8. Links to Curated Authoritative Sources

  9. Calendaring, Adding to your Wallet and Sharing

  10. Topic-Specific Quizzes (in some cases)



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